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Connexions 2025

Fall 2025 | San Antonio, TX



انها مجهولة


Great Power Competition

 in Latin America 

AND the New World

X25 Overview

Why Connexions 2025?

  • A dedicated conference for information researchers and professionals

  • Engage with a diverse audience of practitioners, academics, and students

  • Learn from digital warfare researchers in multiple sectors

  • Deep dive into surveillance practices, data mining, and intelligence gathering

  • Share your experiences in tackling media and technology societal challenges

  • Contribute to transforming and shaping the future of the global information landscape

Connexions is dedicated to developing informed and expert leadership for the networked information age. To that end, our annual conference targets thought leaders, practitioners, and critical thinkers who are at the frontlines of information warfare in the broadest sense of the term, be it in education, media, government, healthcare, or business.


Connexions 2025 will take place early fall in San Antonio (exact dates TBD), hosted by the University of Texas at San Antonio. The conference will bring together leaders from the military, academia, private sector, and policymaking communities to explore the critical intersection of Great Power Competition (GPC), cybersecurity, and information operations (IO). Building on the success of Connexions 2024, this summit will focus on Latin America as a "gray zone" for foreign influence and interference, where China's, Russia’s, and Iran's information operations, media efforts, space cooperation, and cyber stratagems are reshaping regional stability and governance.

As the landscape of information warfare evolves and the world continues to experience an erosion of democracy, Connexions 2025 will provide a potent platform for thought leaders across the spectrum to analyze these unprecedented challenges, foster collaboration, forecast threats in the region, and develop actionable solutions as well as a unifying vision for the future. 


Through dynamic panels, interactive workshops, and forward-looking discussions, Connexions 2025 will serve as a catalyst for innovation, knowledge-sharing, and resilience-building in the face of increasingly sophisticated influence operations. With Latin America as the focal point, this year’s summit will explore how to better safeguard cyberspace, build regional partnerships, and support nation states besieged by destabilizing and uncharted Great Power Competition


Guido Torres is the Executive Director of IWI and a national security professional with over two decades of experience working on sensitive special operations, supporting military and interagency campaigns. He is a Department of Defense Civilian and was a National Security Fellow at the Harvard Kennedy School’s Belfer Center (2022-2023), where he worked with the Defense, Emerging Technology, and Strategy Project. Guido is also a Nonresident Senior Fellow in the Forward Defense program of the Atlantic Council’s Scowcroft Center for Strategy and Security.

Prior to joining the civil service in 2014, Guido served in the US Army, focusing on the Indo-Pacific and the Western Hemisphere. His expertise includes Latin America and the Caribbean, counterterrorism, strategic competition, and irregular warfare. He holds a BA in Intelligence Studies from American Military University and is an MA candidate in Global Security and Strategic Studies at Johns Hopkins University. Guido’s research interests include political warfare, gray zone tactics, Latin American policy, space policy, and the cross-section between intelligence and technology policy.


Executive Director
Irregular Warfare Initiative

 Guido torres 


Connexions is honored to partner with Two Six Technologies to bring you the quality programming and speakers that have characterized previous conferences.

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2025 Call for Papers

#CFP: We welcome white papers/policy briefs for potential inclusion in the conference publication. Please submit your papers as a pdf or doc/docx file.
Name your file clearly as LAST NAME_FIRST NAME_TITLE. Please Include your full name and contact information and affiliation on your title page. 

Multiple submissions are acceptable as long as each paper falls within the 10-page restriction. See guidelines below. Please note ONLY solutions-oriented or case-study submissions in the relevant categories will be considered.


The DEADLINE for all applicants is 23:59 PM EST Friday, July 25, 2025.

You will be notified within two weeks, regardless of date of submission, if your work is accepted for inclusion. Thank you!

CFP Guidelines

All papers submitted should be relevant to the conference theme and region of focus in some way. Categories for policy discussions include, but are not limited to, the following:

1) Information Warfare (IW) and Information Operations (IO) Strategies in the Modern Age

2) Cybersecurity Policy and Governance

3) Political Polarization and Extremism

4) Digital Sovereignty and Data Governance

5) Regulating Emerging Technologies

6) Countering Hybrid Threats

7) Media/Cyber/Tech Literacy and (Higher) Education Policy

8) Rebuilding Public Trust in Institutions

9) Legislative Responses to Extremist Online Content/Activity

10) Human Rights in the Digital Age

Some example topics include:

  • Cybersecurity implications of information warfare and strategies for resilience

  • National cybersecurity policies and their effectiveness in the face of evolving threats

  • International collaborations in cybersecurity and the challenges of coordinating responses

  • Privacy concerns in the digital age and the role of policy in protecting individuals

  • Countering extremism through education

  • Strategies for achieving digital sovereignty without sacrificing freedom

  • Policy frameworks for regulating data collection, storage, and utilization

  • Governance challenges posed by emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence, web3, and blockchain

  • Cyber literacy in educational curricula as a method for combatting mis/disinformation

  • The role of transparency and accountability in restoring confidence in established institutions

  • International perspectives on legislating against extremist content

  • Protecting human rights in the context of technological advancements and digital surveillance

All papers should be written in English AND be unpublished at the time of submission. Only papers received by the deadline of July 25, 2025 will be considered.


(Note that all accepted unpublished papers are eligible to appear on in a digital journal with permission of the author(s). Unpublished and original papers will be eligible for inclusion in a printed version.)

The Connexions 2025 Advisory Board looks forward to reviewing white papers focusing on case studies and solutions for dealing with the harmful effects of disinformation, the improper use of emerging technologies by state and non-state actors, and mitigating polarization and extremism online. White papers should be free of any proprietary information, be no more than ten (10) pages in length inclusive of title page and figures, and present a clear argument based on case study or studies, analytical research, effectiveness of new tools, or combination. The policy brief may be pertain to any sector or subject area that is demonstrably impacted by technology and information disorder on a broad enough scale for lessons to be applicable in other fields (i.e., health, climate science, business, journalism, education). 


All files should be emailed to with the subject line "Submission for Connexions25."


Please label your files in the following format "LAST NAME_FIRSTNAME_TITLE" and only provide .doc, .docx, or .pdf files. The title page of your document must contain full contact information and affiliation.

We look forward to reviewing your work.

Relevant Resources

X25 Advisory Board

Missed Connexions 2024?

Catch up below & download the program here.
Connexions 2024 was sponsored and hosted by The University of Texas at Austin.

1. #Connexions24: State of the Information Address (Keynote)
2. Tip of the Spear: A Report from the Frontlines of the War on Disinformation
3. From Reactive to Proactive: The United States & Information Warfare
4. Civic Disengagement: Rebuilding Public Trust in Established Institutions
5. #Connexions24 Workshop: Create Your Fake Persona (with John Hammond)
6. Law and Disorder: Cyber Policy, Surveillance, & Emerging Technologies
7: Red Flags: Russia's & China's Influence Operations Around the World
8. Psyber Attack: How the Future Greatest Fighting Force Unifies Cyber, Info, & Cognitive Domain Ops

Connect with us

For all inquiries:

  • Youtube
  • Instagram
  • LinkedIn
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If you're interested in sponsoring Connexions 2025 or partnering with us on any event or initiative, please use the form below or email and we will get back to you promptly! We look forward to connecting!

Thanks for submitting!

Developing Global Leadership for the Networked Information Age

©2025 Connexions Global Matrix, Inc. All rights reserved.

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